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Terms of service (Eng)

§1: Preface
§1.1: In the following contract ("contract") the creator ("service operator") of this site ("Pr-History", "Website") places conditions to you ("user" / "users" / "you") and specifies a non-liability.
§1.2: This website enables the user to search for websites and read out Google Pagerank information from now and from the past.

§2: This is a contract between you and the service operator.
§2.1: By viewing and browsing through this website, a contract between you and the service operator arises. This contract holds infinite until the service operator or the user cancels it.
§2.2: The contract regulates the limitation of liability of the service operator. Read of it in the further paragraph §4.

§3: Using Pr-History
You are responsible for all actions you make and take all responsibility for all actions on Pr-History.
§3.2: You arn't granted to use Pr-History for any other purposes than for private.
§3.3: You arn't granted to copy or publish content of Pr-History. You need a written permission. Read of it in the paragraph §5.
§3.4: You accept that Pr-History will log all your activities with your IP Address.
§3.5: This website uses Stats4U, a program for Website traffic analaysis. Stats4U collects data during your visit on this website and provides reports and realistic statistics about site usage and visitor count. Furthermore, Stats4U records your mouse movements. The webmaster will see how much you used each function on this website. This program also collects data about your geographical position. (Country, City) Beside all this, you stay completely anonymous. By using this website you agree to the previous statements.
§3.6: You insure that you dont cause damage in the form of Spam, illegal statements and contents or other immoral actions on Pr-History.

§4: Restriction of the adhesion of the service operator
§4.1: Because Pr-History is completely for free, you cant take any compensations for eventual damage, random damage, following damage or damage because of escaped profit.
§4.2: The service operator of Pr-History is not responsibile for the content of possibly linked pages on Pr-History.
§4.3: Pr-History collects domain names from the internet to create a archive. If a domain name owner (user) does not want his or her domain listed on Pr-History he or she must contact the service operator of Pr-History to remove his or her domain.
§4.4: THE SERVICE OPERATOR CANT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY for the functionality, usability, accesibility, any kind of damage of users or something else and dissociate from all damage which can be caused by Pr-History.

§5: Copyright
§5.1: The name "PageRank" is a trademark of Google, and the PageRank™ process has been patented (U.S. Patent 6,285,999)
§5.2 This Website is not affiliated with Google.
§5.3: The copyright for Pr-History is owned by the service operator ("Lukas Wojcik").
§5.4: Possibly shown pictures, mentioned marks and shown brand names are subject to the copyright of their respective owners.
§5.5: Copying requires written permission. Copyright © Lukas Wojcik 2012. All rights reserved.
§5.6: All data uploaded by users and printed on Pr-History is copyrighted by the respective owner. The service operator has no influence on user specific data and can not be held responsibly for any damage made by a user. If the user takes use of registered label names, the user makes himself/herself punishable in some cases.
§5.7: All contents and contributions of users are copyrighted and owned by the respective users.
§5.8: You are not allowed to copy or publish any pictures / flash objects which are generated on Pr-History.
You are not allowed to copy any program code from Pr-History.

§6: Changes of the contract
§6.1: The contract can change without reminding you so take sometimes a look on it. If you dont agree to a changed paragraph so you have to quit this contract immediately.
§6.2: If you want to quit this contract then you arn't allowed to use Pr-History anymore.
§6.3: The service operator is allowed to cancel your registration at any time. He is allowed to exclude you for some time. If the service operator cancels the contract, you aren't allowed to use any service from Pr-History.
§6.4: If this contract gets quited all data will remain in our database, but without access to it.

§7: Privacy & Cookies
§7.1: By using this website you agree that third parties (including Google) can store cookies for ad purposes on your machine.
§7.2: These cookies enable third parties to serve user relevant ads.
§7.3: You can opt out of this by visiting this site:

§8: Final clauses
§8.1: By using this website you agree that all mutualnesses will be operated in Austria, Vienna.
§8.2: Should one or more regulations of this agreement become ineffective, so the effectiveness of the other regulations dont gets influenced by this.
§8.3: Applicable right is the right of the Austrian Republic.
§8.4: If you would like to remove your site from PR-History, please consider taking three simple steps here.

Diese Website benutzt Google AdSense, einen Dienst zum Einbinden von Werbeanzeigen der Google Inc. ("Google"). Google AdSense verwendet sog. "Cookies", Textdateien, die auf Ihrem Computer gespeichert werden und die eine Analyse der Benutzung der Website ermöglicht. Google AdSense verwendet auch so genannte "Web Beacons" (unsichtbare Grafiken). Durch diese Web Beacons können Informationen wie der Besucherverkehr auf diesen Seiten ausgewertet werden. Die durch Cookies und Web Beacons erzeugten Informationen über die Benutzung dieser Website (einschließlich Ihrer IP-Adresse) und Auslieferung von Werbeformaten werden an einen Server von Google in den USA übertragen und dort gespeichert. Diese Informationen können von Google an Vertragspartner von Google weitergegeben werden. Google wird Ihre IP-Adresse jedoch nicht mit anderen von Ihnen gespeicherten Daten zusammenführen. Sie können die Installation der Cookies durch eine entsprechende Einstellung Ihrer Browser Software verhindern, jedoch können Sie in diesem Fall gegebenenfalls nicht sämtliche Funktionen dieser Website im vollen Umfang nutzen. Durch die Nutzung dieser Website erklären Sie sich mit der Bearbeitung der über Sie erhobenen Daten durch Google in der zuvor beschriebenen Art und Weise und zu dem zuvor benannten Zweck einverstanden.

Copyright © Lukas Wojcik 2010 - 2025

PageRank™ and Google™ are registred trademarks of Google Inc., Mountain View CA, USA.
All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The service operator is not responsible for the content of external (outside linked web pages.